3ª Rampinada - La Molina (07/07/2024)

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3ª Rampinada - La Molina (07/07/2024)

The third Rampinada arrives coinciding with the arrival of summer. It will be next Sunday, July 7, 2024, as always with mountain bikes, but this time not suitable for all audiences. It should be noted that the level of demand will be higher than the previous Rampinades. Both the duration and the difference in level as well as the altitude through which part of the route passes, make the exit somewhat difficult. We are not talking about a level beyond the reach of most cyclists, but certain aspects must be taken into account. First of all, for the electric ones, the battery must be dosed due to the distance, and for the atmospheric ones, to have a certain physical level to do 58km with 1000m of difference. If these premises are respected as well as that of bringing food and a screen, there should be no problem.

This time we will meet at Ripoll train station at 7:30 in order to catch the first train at 8:10. We give this margin time to be able to properly organize the purchase of tickets and boarding the train. It should be noted that this point is one of the most delicate of the event. We will have to occupy the train conveniently for us and for the other passengers, this means in a distributed and respectful way. Precisely for this reason we ask you more than ever to fill in your registration, it won't take you more than half a minute and that way we won't have any surprises at the train station. The arrival at La Molina as well as the effective start of the route is expected around 9:00. Obviously, this schedule is conditional on the Rodalies service.

As for the route, the first part of it corresponds to the climb. We climb up to the 2200m point from which the descent begins, mostly moderate and of low technical level. We arrive at the Creueta pass and go down a couple of kilometers by road until we find the old military track that will take us to Cornudell. From here we will begin to enjoy the middle of the mountain and the surroundings of Ripollès until we reach Gombrèn, where we will take the Ral path to Ripoll. This time we will say goodbye in Plaça del Monestir, as it is not expected to arrive before 2:00 p.m.

We hope that you will find yourself in the heart of signing up for a route that is a little harder than usual but also with a greater dose of adventure and novelty.

See you there!!

> CONFIRM ASSISTANCE by clicking the Register button. (Just to have a support orientation)

Type of rute
Dificult Level 
Departure Time 
Arribal Time 

3ª Rampinada 

La Molina (07/07/2024)


Date & Time
Sunday July 07, 2024
8:00 am 2:00 pm (Europe/Madrid)


C/ Ciutat Jardí, 1
17500 Ripoll
+34 872 00 04 82
+34 648 27 39 16
Get the direction


+34 872 00 04 82
+34 648 27 39 16

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